Add My Podcast Add My Podcast


As stated, Add My Podcast was created to be as user-friendly as possible, both for podcast creators and services.

Our service uses webhooks to notify services whenever a new podcast is added to our library.

Submitting feeds

Submitting feeds via the Add My Podcast API is done by making a POST or PATCH request to with the following parameters.

Note: Rate limits apply when submitting the same feed multiple times.


Receiving feeds

Whenever someone submits their feed url to Add My Podcast, we will run it through a simple validation process and then notify all verified services by making a POST request to their respective callback urls with a JSON object in the payload body.

Note: Before adding the feed to your public library, you should consider running a validation process yourself.
Note: You should not download, parse or otherwise process the received feed in direct response to this request. Simply store the feed url for future and further processing.

JSON object

Example request

{ "feed": "https:\/\/\/brand-new-podcast.xml", "secret": "verysecretsecret", "action": "add", "podcastindex": { "id": 12345, "itunesId": 1234567890 ... } }

Example response

HTTP/1.1 204 No Content

Adding your service

The easiest way to add your service to Add My Podcast is to use our online form located here.

You can also add your service by making a POST request to with the following requirements.

Note: When sending a request to add your service, we will challenge you by sending a verification request to your callback url with the action parameter set to add.


Removing your service

Want to stop receiving requests? No problem. The easiest way is to use our form located here.

You can also remove your service by making a DELETE request to with the following requirements.

Note: When sending a request to remove your service, we will challenge you by sending a verification request to your callback url with the action parameter set to remove.


Verification requests

When you've sent a request to add or remove your service, we will try to verify it by by sending a GET request to your callback url with the following query parameters.

Note: Verification requests must return a http response code in the range 200-299, otherwise the request is considered to have failed.


Example request


Example response

HTTP/1.1 200 OK

Got all of it?

Add your service